Angular 6 Template-driven form with multiple components

In this post I am gonna show you how to create an Angular 6 Template-driven form that spans across multiple components.

Passing value from one observable to another in RxJS

While creating a web application using RxJS such as an Angular 2/4/6 application, you might come across situations in which you need to pass value from one observable to another dependent observable and then utilize the final result into the application. For example you may want to send an ajax request based on the result of another ajax request and then show the result of second request on the UI.

Providing mock services in angular 2/4/6 unit test

When you are writing unit tests for a component or a service that depends on another service then it is better to provide test alternatives for that service instead of the real service, as the real service might in turn depend on some other services or it might try to send some request to the server etc. Moreover our purpose is to test the component or service under consideration not its dependencies.